Sunday, July 20, 2014

014. for me/for the sea

My heart is wearing some seriously heavy boots today. I woke up a few hours ago with this insane amount of wanderlust that I can't kick away. It's not just wanderlust, though. I am in need of a significant change. Of scenery, I think. A change of place. I find myself dreaming of Salmon lodges in Alaska, of fishing docks in the Pacific Northwest, of teaching English in a small German town. I so deeply crave a change of scene I am having a hard time keeping it together today.

I wish I could change my place like we change the channel. I'd look outside at the sea and a second later I'd look outside at a mountain peak. I'd look out at a bustling city and again at a quiet meadow.

Most of all I want a small town on the ocean, near a bigger city. A place with fog and fresh seafood. Of cool summers and whale watching.

I am having such a hard time with feeling stuck today.